Ja, ta teden sva z Andreo dobili novega sostanovalca. Prišel je že v ponedeljek, jaz sem ga pa videla prvič šele danes! Ker je malo čuden (hheh), stalno je v svoji sobi... Kako bi bilo smešno, če bi se spraševala na ulici: "Joj, zakaj me ta zasleduje??" Potem bi se pa izkazalo, da že 1 teden živi v istem stanovanju...
Do zdaj sem že 3x videla lisico tukaj okoli. Dvakrat na moji ulici :). Danes pa zelo blizu postaje od podzemne! Sem hodila po pločniku in naenkrat pogledam čez nizek zidek, ki ločuje pločnik od vhoda v hišo...in tam je bila. Luškana! :) hehhe. Me je kakšne 10 sekund gledala, potem pa šla naprej. Sem jo hotela slikati, ampak sem imela obe roki zasedeni (sem bila ravno v trgovini prej). No, pa naslednjič :)).
V ponedeljek "zjutraj" (če definiramo zjutraj kot čas, ko se zbudimo ;)) pred faksom sem šla še malo v park, ker je bil ravno sonček in zelo lepo...
Drugače pa govorijo "dobro jutro" tako ali tako do 12ih. Dokaz ;)
Kasneje ta dan smo šli še na
večerjo s Slovenci, ker je bil to zadnji dan pred odhodom Tine in Kaje domov. And ever since I've been crying....happy tears ;). Hehehe. Ne, saj se hecam, RES ju bom pogrešala (in tega nisem napisala samo zato, ker sem jima obljubila ;)).
30mins, 30mins!!
Končno mi je uspelo. Od doma do faksa sem prišla v pol ure! :)) To se verjetno ne bo kmalu ponovilo..(razen če se bom še naprej vstajala na drugi stani 12noon-a...hhh). Na faksu sem bila ta teden na žalost kar neproduktivna. In danes sem izvedela še, da sta ponedeljek in torek naslednji teden praznika (Bank Holiday). Tako tudi naslednji teden očitno ne bom nekaj veliko naredila :(.
Včeraj sva šli z Andreo v
The British Museum. Na žalost sva prišli nekaj do petih, zapirajo pa že ob pol 6ih :(. In ker je res velik, sva si tako pogledali samo malo o Egipčanih in malo o grški zgodovini. Je pa (tako kot skoraj vsi londonski muzeji) zastonj :)). Na ogled je tudi originalen Rosetta kamen! (če je kdo pozabil - to je kamen, ki je omogočil raziskovalcem, da so "razvozljali" egipčanske hieroglife; saj je na njem vklesano isto/enako(?) besedilo v 3 jezikih: egipčanskih hieroglifih, e. demotski pisavi in v grščini).
Jutri grem pa z Judit (Andrejina prijateljica; tudi Madžarka s Slovaške) v Cambridge k njuni prijateljici :). In bom tam cel vikend. Ker Andreja bo delala in potem bi bila jaz drugače cel vikend in praznike sama..
Tako da vam zdaj vsem zaželim VESEL BOŽIČ!! :) xx
Za konec pa še nekaj
šal :) (1 bolj smešne kot 2., hehe)
Q: What did the hat say to the scarf?
A: You hang around while I go ahead.
Q: What happened to the man who shoplifted a calender at Christmas?
A: He got 12 months.
Naslednje so iz Guardiana :)
A policeman pulls Smith (who is driving home after too much to drink at a pub) over and asks: "Sir, have you been drinking?" Smith decides to admit it: "Yes, I have." "Did you know," the cop says, "that at the last traffic roundabout, your wife fell out of the car?" "Oh, thank God," says Smith. "I thought I'd gone deaf."
An Irish puts a coin in a vending machine and gets a Coca-Cola. He puts a second coin in and gets a second Coca-Cola. He puts a third coin in...and so on. An English man standing behind him waiting says, "You certainly like Coca-Cola." "Why stop playing when I'm winning," replies the Irish.
Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat. While rummaging through the boat's provisions, one of them finds an old lamp. He rubs it and a genie appears. The genie grants them one wish only. Without giving it much thought, the lamp finder says: "Turn the ocean into VB Beer!" The genie claps his hands with a deafening clash, and the entire sea turns into beer. The genie disappears and only the gentle lapping of beer on the hull breaks the stillness as two men consider their circumstances. The second Aussie turns to the first and says: "Nice going, mate! Now we are going to have to pee in the boat."
A Portuguese man visited Brasil and was amazed by what he saw. So many inventions! Such landscapes! He bought a box of matches and send it home to his wife, Maria, back in Portugal. Months later he received a letter: "Joao, I loved the present, thanks. But the box of mathes didn't work quite like you said they would." Surprised, Joao replied that day: "Maria, I can't understand it! I tested them all before I sent them."
There's a classic line of Argentinian jokes highlighting national stereotypes - Chileans being boring, Paraguayans stupid, Peruvians crooks. Most jokes, however, are directed to the people from Galicia: A policeman stops a Galician and demands, "Give me your first name and surname". "You what?" the Galician replies. "And what about afterwards? What will I call myself?"
"Two blind fellas walk into a wall."
"I recently did a show for a group of backpackers. They were on the edge of their seats."