Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Bloody Day ;) in a Busy Week

Prejšnji teden je bil kar naporen, saj sem imela veliko dela na faksu. Vendar pa je bil tudi zelo produktiven :). Tako zaposlena sem bila, ker je danes prišel nazaj moj mentor, ki je bil prej odsoten 1 mesec. In pred odhodom mi je naročil kar precej stvari...in ker so bili prej prazniki...hehe...mi je vse ostalo za zadnji teden. Še za domov sem si morala v petek vzeti gradivo. In ker sem tak kronoptimist (op.a. oseba, ki vedno/večinoma oceni, da ji bodo opravila vzela zelo malo časa oz. da bo lahko naredila ogromno stvari v človeško nezmožni količini časa; ne vem, če (je) ta beseda res obstaja(la)...pač iz grške besede khronos, ki pomeni čas; in optimist = pozitivec) sem poleg vsega dela za faks seveda sprejela še (svoj prvi plačani!) prevod članka (skoraj 10 strani, kar sem "malo" napačno ocenila, da mi bo vzelo največ 2-3 urice časa). Tako sem bila v nedeljo zvečer res zmatrana... Ampak vseeno sem prišla na faks zelo (zame!) zgodaj. Nekaj čez 9. Ampak ni bilo nikogar tam! Ne mentorja, ne Elham...sama sem bila v pisarni in tudi skoraj na faksu. Tako da ni bilo nobenega aplavza... :( hheh. Joe tudi ni imel časa, da bi pogledal, kaj sem naredila v 1 mesecu časa...

On Thursday I decided to do something more interesting than just going to the Uni. [And I checked the blood stock for my type of blood and it was in the bottom two!] So I went to donate blood. But (again) I realised that this is not completely selfless act, because YOU feel better as well. Like you've done something that matters, helps other people. But it actually does, so it's OK. :)
Pa tudi zanimala me je primerjava s Slovenijo. [Ker sem v Sloveniji dala kri vedno na ZTMju (Zavod RS za transfuzijsko medicino) in v Veliki Britaniji le v West End Blood Donor Centre bom primerjala samo ta dva med sabo]. Angleški center je skoraj na Oxford Streetu, zelo majhen, kot neko družinsko podjetje ;), tako da mi slovenski center izgleda bolj profesionalen. Glavne razlike so drugače: tukaj ti ni treba pokazati nobenega osebnega dokumenta (tako da bi - ne vem, zakaj bi kdo to hotel, ampak vseeno - lahko nekdo dal kri namesto nekoga drugega??), ne zmerijo ti krvnega pritiska, tu je slabša hrana (skoraj samo piškotki in čips - v zdravstveni ustanovi! pa tudi sok je samo precej zanič sirup ali pa voda). Pa tudi hemoglobin/železo v krvi ti tu drugače zmerijo: pri nas dajo kapljo krvi na napravo, ki jim pove številčno vrednost hemoglobina; tu pa jo kapnejo v raztopino - sem sestro, ki mi je to delala, vprašala, kaj je noter, pa je rekla, da ne ve, da ve samo, da je modra za ženske in zelena za moške; sem pa potem seveda malo iskala in našla :) - je raztopina bakrovega sulfata. Ker je le-ta specifične gostote (za ženske ima raztopina manjšo specifično gostoto), lahko s tem, koliko časa kaplijica rabi, da potone (sestra je rekla, da mora v manj kot 20 sekundah), ocenimo hemoglobin. No, še ena razlika: tu ti na koncu roko povijejo s kompresijsko obvezo/obližem (me je, preden mi je dala obliž gor, vprašala, če sem alergična na obliže - čeprav sem imela že enega na prstu :)....mogoče je pa posebna alergija - samo na več kot enega na eni roki??).
So, if you want to do something that matters, do something amazing today: save a life, give blood! :)
[I read that only 5 % of people that can give blood actually does that!]

On  Saturday we became MPs (now that I know what it means - member of parliament). We went to visit Houses of Parliament. Parlament je zelo zanimiv in velik - smo se skoraj uro in pol sprehajali. Nekaj sob sicer ne uporabljajo - imajo jih samo, ko pride kraljica na obisk.. Drugače pa je gotskega stila, vendar pa je znotraj opremenljen skoraj v baročnem stilu. Veliko okraskov, zlatih predmetov.. (Na sliki se tega ne vidi, ker notri ne smeš slikati, razen v začetnem prostoru).

[Sem zaspala med pisanjem te objave :) Tako da verjetno ni preveč zanimiva..hehh]
Good morning! :) Have a lovely day!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Nice view :)

Until a few days ago the majority of (to be absolutely frank, I'm not Frank ;)...anyway not just the majority but ALL) responses (about me changing the language of my posts) were negative, so I was thinking of not pursuing with my English writing career ;) but then I got another feedback, which made it a tie --> 1:1. :)  I guess I will write in Slovene and English now...

Last Saturday we ("the Erasmus gang") went to Vertigo. It's a bar in Tower 42, the second highest skyscraper in the City of London (it's 183 m high; until 1990 it was the tallest building in the UK). You have to book your visit and spend at least 10 pounds per person. And you can spend only 1.5 hrs enjoying the view. When you get there you get a visitor's pass (which they take away from you after maybe 20 seconds?) and you go through not-as-strict-as-at-the-airport screening. The bar is in the top, 42nd floor, so the view is really nice :).

this is NOT the view from the Vertigo ;)
(because it was a sunny day I decided to go to the park before going to the Tower 42)

The next day Andrea and me went to the Natural History Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. Fotografije so bile res odlične! Pod vsako je bil še kratek opis in komentar fotografa. Kar se mi je zdelo zelo zanimivo je, da je bila večina fotografij posneta slučajno. Npr. so čakali ne vem koliko časa na nekaj drugega, in potem se je nekaj zgodilo, pritekla je neka žival...in nastala je zmagovalna slika. :) Drugače pa moraš biti za fotografa očitno zelo potrpežljiv - eden je hodil v zelo oddaljene, težko dostopne gore 3 leta zaporedoma, vsakih nekaj mesecev; vse to, da je na koncu dobil dobro fotografijo! Drugače pa je ta muzej poln okostij dinozavrov, ki pa si jih na žalost še nisem uspela preveč dobro pogledati.

inside the Natural History Museum

Monday, 10 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Well, finally a new post :). Yep, happy new year to all! [I do realize that it is 10th of January already, but that doesn't really matter, hehe]. Maybe you've noticed that I've started to write in English (If you haven't, don't worry...there just might be something wrong in your head ;)). I figured it's about time. Plus, it's an opportunity for me (and some of you) to revise my/our knowledge of English (although I don't know if reading my blog is the best thing for those eager to improve/revise their English...I'm actually pretty sure it's not :), but it IS a start).

As you know I had my first 2 guests last week (Nina and Mihaela). I really loved being their guide. It might be because I like bossing people around...:D.
Anyway, on Friday we first went shopping. Thank to the "after Christmas sale" the prices weren't that high :). Then it was time to get ready for NYE (new year's eve). After just an hour (or two? but who really counts) we went to Paolo's and had a really nice dinner there. Then we wanted to see the fireworks. And we told them that we don't mind standing in the cold for 3 hours (we had to exaggerate a "bit"), waiting for it to start... But they said that there's a better option. So we went to a hill... And couldn't see anything!!! :(. Well...some other year then :). Oh, but we did manage to get our shoes quite dirty :)). Yaaay...

Next day we got out of the house just at 3pm, so we already knew that we're not going to see much. However, we still saw some nearby lakes. Sadly they weren't as nice as I thought they would be. [Later on I found out that they weren't actually lakes but reservoirs, hehehh]

Sunday was the day for Hyde park and some museums (we just quickly went through them...but they were sooo interesting!! You could easily spend a few hours in every one of them): National History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum (we spent 2 hrs there, most of the time searching for an architecture exhibition!! but it was worth it). And because that wasn't enough for us...we went to Move - it's an contemporary art and dance exhibition. I think we all really liked it, especially because you are a part of it. For example, you can dress up as a gorilla :), spin a hula hoop, climb... After you've tried everything, you feel like you just got out of a gym!

On Monday we decided to be The Beatles :). [The guy on the picture is a Spanish guy, an innocent bystander we had to harass, because there were just 3 of us...hehh]


We then continued our way to Covent Garden, Leicester square, Trafalgar square. Nina and I learned that it's really hard to get on the lion!! :)
In the evening we went to listen to some blues :). And it was really nice!!

Trafalgar square...or we could actually call it "The Lion Square" ;)

Ain't Nothin But... (=famous blues bar)

On their last day in London we went to Camden Lock Market, Barbican centre (Mihaela's wish, but it was interesting for me and Nina as well), and then...some more jazz :).

Camden Lock

Then it was time for them to go home.. And for me to start going to Uni again!!