Last Saturday we ("the Erasmus gang") went to Vertigo. It's a bar in Tower 42, the second highest skyscraper in the City of London (it's 183 m high; until 1990 it was the tallest building in the UK). You have to book your visit and spend at least 10 pounds per person. And you can spend only 1.5 hrs enjoying the view. When you get there you get a visitor's pass (which they take away from you after maybe 20 seconds?) and you go through not-as-strict-as-at-the-airport screening. The bar is in the top, 42nd floor, so the view is really nice :).
this is NOT the view from the Vertigo ;)
(because it was a sunny day I decided to go to the park before going to the Tower 42)
The next day Andrea and me went to the Natural History Museum to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. Fotografije so bile res odlične! Pod vsako je bil še kratek opis in komentar fotografa. Kar se mi je zdelo zelo zanimivo je, da je bila večina fotografij posneta slučajno. Npr. so čakali ne vem koliko časa na nekaj drugega, in potem se je nekaj zgodilo, pritekla je neka ž nastala je zmagovalna slika. :) Drugače pa moraš biti za fotografa očitno zelo potrpežljiv - eden je hodil v zelo oddaljene, težko dostopne gore 3 leta zaporedoma, vsakih nekaj mesecev; vse to, da je na koncu dobil dobro fotografijo! Drugače pa je ta muzej poln okostij dinozavrov, ki pa si jih na žalost še nisem uspela preveč dobro pogledati.
inside the Natural History Museum
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