Sunday, 12 June 2011

1 Down, 2 To Go

(this is my exam update :))

Last two weeks (maybe it was only one week ;), but it seemed really long!) it was raining almost every day. Just rain rain rain, rain rain rain....RAIN!! Yep, the perfect weather for studying... I wish! Where was all this water coming from?? It looked like the sky would never run out of it, hhehheh... Truth be told, occasionally there was some sun as well :)).

Sunset from our house + Triglav, with 2864m Slovenian highest peak

I think I really missed writing my blog... Can't wait to write some more :)).


  1. Res lepa slikca!! Kaj to vidiš iz vaše bajte? Kak fotoaparat pa imaš, da lahko tolko približaš?! Res zakon! Pohvale:)

  2. Oooo...hvala :)))). Jp, iz terase...čez barje do Triglava :). Mamo nek Canon, men drgač ni neki ful ušeč ;) ehheh.... sam je pa kul, ker ma tok zuma: 20x optični + 80x(?not sure) digitalni!! :)
