Saturday, 26 March 2011

St. Patrick's Day, BRISTOL & Parkour

I think this post will be really short...mostly pictures :). Because otherwise I will not be able to get up in less than 5 hours to catch a bus to the airport... Which wouldn't be so great. Missing the flight, I mean. Oh, forgot to mention....going to Dublin! :)

So, on the 17th of March was St. Patrick's Day, so naturally we went to a pub to have some Guinness :)).

Then, on Saturday we went to Bristol! :D Really lovely city. It was sooo nice. You could smell the sea, it was sunny, warm...just like summer, really. It has a small old centre, so you can just walk around. Bristol is about 200 km west of London, if anyone wants to know ;).

Sunday was the day for the Cheese & Wine Festival and also for Parkour! :) At the festival they didn't even offer free cheese degustation?! [Kekci eni, heheh] But parkour guys were really great. Sometimes it was a bit scarry watching them. Like when they jumped to a rail from 4 (? maybe less, I don't really know...but it seemed far :)) meters away...especially when it was getting late, more humid, so the rails were getting slippery... Uff... are some videos from the event: click
And the winning run: click no.2
There were girls as well (3). The best one: Luci (sadly not really good quality of the video...)
Wow, just found this: another click (this one is more for those, who have too much time hehhh, 14mins to be exact... but it's really the best one...I think all of the contestants are there... And one unfortunate fall which looked pretty awful and painful and because of which the best guy (in I think many people's opinion) didn't make it to the finals :( sadly...)

OK, this will be least for now. Maybe I will add something later on. Or not :).

It's 4 hrs now...:(
Good night :)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Greenwich, Museum of London

On Saturday I went to Greenwich with Roni. When I left our house the weather was really nice, but by the time I got there, it was already cloudy. Because this is on the other side of the city centre. So it took me almost an hour and a half to get there! It was still nice though :).

On Sunday Andrea and I went to the Museum of London. It is really interesting, but sooo big! You can't see everything in one day. Unfortunatelly we just missed one exhibition, but.... I found it online :) Postcards from the Future

I am going to finish this post with my new roommate, who I hope will help me catch these annoying moths...:)

And another bug :). This one is from the School of Pharmacy.


I decided to end with something else. Like with the pancakes I made today :). It was a bit of a challenge because we don't have a mixer, but in the end the fork was OK too...

Yummy, yummy, yummy...;)

Pustne palačinke

So that there won't really be a three week gap between posts...:).

Za začetek malo sončka... Tako kot je Elham navdušena nad dežjem sem jaz nad soncem - in ona me nikakor ne more razumeti, hehe.

že 100tič naš faks...ampak če je pa tako lepo...

V roku zadnjega tedna sem šla dvakrat v gledališče. I liked both plays. The first one was An Evening With Dementia, a monoplay about a man with dementia, his feelings, how people look at him... And the second one was: One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest. They were both performed in an independent theatre... At the 1st one there was maybe just 8 people in the audience! The other one had a live band with them on stage - for the background music...

Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, Pust, Carneval...
Last Tuesday was the Pancake Day. They had a lot of games with pancakes, free pancakes... :). And because the weather was really nice (in most people's opinion ;)) we decided to make our lunch break a bit longer :). Unfortunatelly we missed all the games, but we did manage to get some free pancakes!

And I found this really cool-looking store:

In the evening I went to a travel agency, where they had a presentation about the Rio Carnival. They gave us Brazilian food and some coctails. Then they also taught us some of the samba steps that they dance in the carnival.

Za konec pa še malo idej za pust ;) Tukaj ga ne praznujejo, tako da (čeprav sem se hotela) se nisem nič našemila...

Libanonka + Ugly Betty/Geek :)

Monday, 7 March 2011

African Prints, Westfield, Another Presentation

About 2 weeks ago Judit and I went to a presentation/workshop on West African print making. They make all these beautiful prints on the fabric from which they make their clothes (now mostly for funerals...). And we got to try it ourselves :)). We had a lot of stamps to choose from - they make stamps (the genuine ones) from some sort of a pumpkin.

Everything means something - for example:
turtle = adaptability
the bird that looks back but goes forward = remember your past; use the knowledge, experience from the past (? something like that)
the round sign = mightiness

Ta (=2 tedna nazaj) teden sem imela še eno predstavitev za našo NONMEM skupinico. Ker smo vsi mislili, da bom že končala (in predstavila končne rezultate)...ampak kar še vedno nisem. Vedno se pojavijo novi in novi zapleti... Prejšnji teden sem bila skoraj vsak dan več kot do 6ih na faksu! Upam, da ta teden res končam...da imam potem malo časa za zaključevanje in razmišljanje o pisanju naloge... No, predstavitev mi ni bila ravno zelo všeč (se mi je zdelo, da kar še VELIKO stvari ne vem..). Elham mi je pa takoj po koncu rekla: "Wow, really nice presentation!!" :) Mogoče je zaradi tistega efekta, ko več kot veš, več veš, da ne veš ;). (If that makes any sense, hehe). 

Prejšnji vikend smo šle Slovenke (Kaja, Roni, jaz) malo v Westfield. Westfield is a huge shopping centre with a retail floor area of 150,000m² (~ 30 football pitches). At the time of its opening (2008) it was said to be the 3rd largest in the UK. There are really a lot of stores... But I missed some benches or chairs or something to sit down. Because you can get tired of all that walking really soon :). But it is a nice centre. And the smoothies they sell are soooo yummy... :)).

Zapleti s sostanovalec
Ja, prejšnji sostanovalec je imel nekatere čudne navade. Npr. ko je dal kaj kuhati, je potem včasih kar šel ven (za kakšno uro in pol??). Tako se je enkrat kuhinja skoraj zažgala! Na srečo sem bila doma in vohala dim v svojo sobo...šla pogledat dol... Potem sem ga vprašala, če je pozabil, pa je rekel, ne, samo v trgovino sem še šel vmes. OK?? Ja, pa tudi ponoči je bil zelo glasen - butal je z vrati, tekel s čevli po stopnicah... Enkrat sem se mi zdi da kakšne 5-krat skoraj zaspala, ampak nisem.. Potem sem šla dol v dnevno sobo in mu rekla: "#$%#&@?!??! Stop with that or I will kill you!!" (Well...of course I didn't :) But I DID want to...). Niso mu podaljšali najemne pogodbe, tako da se je moral izseliti.
Prejšnji vikend pa je prišel novi sostanovalecc, Tom. Za enkrat je vredu. Upajmo.

This will be all for today :). I will try to post something sooner than in 3 weeks time ;). In the meantime, write some comments, emails...:).

Nighty nite

Flamenco, Contemporary, Portobello

A bit more than 2 weeks ago I went to see Flamenco show. Eva was performing, so I knew she would be great ;). Ooo...ampak res je bila zelo dobra!! In tudi band, ki ga je imela sabo.. Pa tudi ostali trije plesalci, ki so bili z njo na odru.. Včasih se mi je zdelo, kot bi bila kje na jugu Španije... hehe. [Drugače je njeno celo ime Eva Yerbabuena, če koga zanima.]

En dan pred tem je bil spet sončeeek :)). 

Contemporary dance: Ja, končno se mi je ratalo spravit spet do Pineapple Dance School. Šla sem na ta klas... (zdaj sem šla že 3x). Saj je kar zanimivo, malo drugače.. Edino, kar me moti je, da stalno govori leva roka tja, desna preden se spomnim katera je katera... Potem je velikokrat "the other left". Hheh... Je pa ta, ki ma klas, tudi taka zabavna, se stalno nekaj zafrkava...

On Saturday we went to Portobello Road market. I think it would have been nicer if it hadn't rained.. But then it would probably be too crowded.. This market is close to Notting Hill Gate Station. And it's actually a long street with a lot of stalls with antiques, jewellery, second-hand clothes...

Yaaay...rain!! ;)

I really thought I would continue with my writing soon after the last post...but...well that didn't happen. Still, I've finally managed to find the time and will to write again :). And I've made these beautiful would be a waste not to publish them.. :).

The week after CNY there was a rainy day! Mostly light rain, but still rain. Elham was really happy - she kept saying "Oh, what a beautiful day..." "What a nice weather...". And because she really meant it, sane people around her started asking themselves: "Is she...
...gone bananas?"
...related to ducks?" ;)

In the end it turned out that it was all true. For the both of us of course ;). We picked the only (mostly) rainy day to go sightseeing and for a walk, just enjoying the truly nice weather. (For me it actually wasn't so great, but it was still OK). We went to Leicester Square, walked to Trafalgar Square, went to some of the galleries there: National Portrait Gallery and The National Gallery and because that wasn't enough we also went to see the Buckingham Palace. It was nice, surprisingly almost no one anywhere, empty parks...;).

After that day the weather forecast was just rain rain rain ...every day - for a couple of days at least... And every day Elham and I were waiting for the rain but nothing. Those liars! ;) One day it was raining in the I put on the rubber boots (finally!). But by the time I got to the Uni, even the pavements were already dry... So, I looked pretty stupid :).

V soboto smo šli na razstavo v Wellcome Collection. Bila je o rabi mamil ter zdravil včasih (in danes). Kakšne stvari so bile kar smešne: npr. da so uporabljali heroin kot manj adiktivno nadomestilo za morfin, dokler niso seveda ugotovili, da se v telesu metabolizira do morfina... (članek) In tudi že zelo dolgo nazaj so ugotovili kako nevarne so droge - prepovedali njihov uvoz na Kitajsko...

Drugače pa so v tej galeriji (?) zanimive tudi stalne razstave. Medicine Man in Medicine Now. Imajo tudi v knjigah zapisan celoten človeški genom (iz mislim da približno 5 posameznikov)! Za vsak kromosom približno 5 knjig!! Zanimivo branje ;) heheh.

En del je tudi interaktiven :). Tako da sem si naredila sliko svoje biometrične identitete. Pa tudi sodelovala sem v "raziskavi" kakšen je povprečen obraz. And don't zoom-in if you don't feel really sad...because this picture is really funny - uglified me! Hehh

On Sunday we went to Hampton Court Palace...really nice (and close to London - you can take the tube+train to get there! it's in zone 6). But it's sooo huge! We didn't have enough time to see it all and the gardens as well... (you can see the gardens for free:)).