Monday, 7 March 2011

Yaaay...rain!! ;)

I really thought I would continue with my writing soon after the last post...but...well that didn't happen. Still, I've finally managed to find the time and will to write again :). And I've made these beautiful would be a waste not to publish them.. :).

The week after CNY there was a rainy day! Mostly light rain, but still rain. Elham was really happy - she kept saying "Oh, what a beautiful day..." "What a nice weather...". And because she really meant it, sane people around her started asking themselves: "Is she...
...gone bananas?"
...related to ducks?" ;)

In the end it turned out that it was all true. For the both of us of course ;). We picked the only (mostly) rainy day to go sightseeing and for a walk, just enjoying the truly nice weather. (For me it actually wasn't so great, but it was still OK). We went to Leicester Square, walked to Trafalgar Square, went to some of the galleries there: National Portrait Gallery and The National Gallery and because that wasn't enough we also went to see the Buckingham Palace. It was nice, surprisingly almost no one anywhere, empty parks...;).

After that day the weather forecast was just rain rain rain ...every day - for a couple of days at least... And every day Elham and I were waiting for the rain but nothing. Those liars! ;) One day it was raining in the I put on the rubber boots (finally!). But by the time I got to the Uni, even the pavements were already dry... So, I looked pretty stupid :).

V soboto smo šli na razstavo v Wellcome Collection. Bila je o rabi mamil ter zdravil včasih (in danes). Kakšne stvari so bile kar smešne: npr. da so uporabljali heroin kot manj adiktivno nadomestilo za morfin, dokler niso seveda ugotovili, da se v telesu metabolizira do morfina... (članek) In tudi že zelo dolgo nazaj so ugotovili kako nevarne so droge - prepovedali njihov uvoz na Kitajsko...

Drugače pa so v tej galeriji (?) zanimive tudi stalne razstave. Medicine Man in Medicine Now. Imajo tudi v knjigah zapisan celoten človeški genom (iz mislim da približno 5 posameznikov)! Za vsak kromosom približno 5 knjig!! Zanimivo branje ;) heheh.

En del je tudi interaktiven :). Tako da sem si naredila sliko svoje biometrične identitete. Pa tudi sodelovala sem v "raziskavi" kakšen je povprečen obraz. And don't zoom-in if you don't feel really sad...because this picture is really funny - uglified me! Hehh

On Sunday we went to Hampton Court Palace...really nice (and close to London - you can take the tube+train to get there! it's in zone 6). But it's sooo huge! We didn't have enough time to see it all and the gardens as well... (you can see the gardens for free:)).


  1. للأمانة العلمية والأدبية الجو كان أكثر من رائع فأنا اعشق المطر شعوري لا يوصف ههههههههههههههههه
    للأسف لم تصدق التوقعات الجوية طوال الأسبوع فأصبت بخيبة أمل

    كوكو والا بطة لا يهم ههههههههههههههههههههه

    loved this part of the blog :)

  2. Always forget to reply..hhhh ;).
    Hmm...I only recognize and understand the "hhhhhhhh" part, for the rest g.translator gave me very funny translation :D. But I think I know which part you have in mind. Thanks :))
