Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Pustne palačinke

So that there won't really be a three week gap between posts...:).

Za začetek malo sončka... Tako kot je Elham navdušena nad dežjem sem jaz nad soncem - in ona me nikakor ne more razumeti, hehe.

že 100tič naš faks...ampak če je pa tako lepo...

V roku zadnjega tedna sem šla dvakrat v gledališče. I liked both plays. The first one was An Evening With Dementia, a monoplay about a man with dementia, his feelings, how people look at him... And the second one was: One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest. They were both performed in an independent theatre... At the 1st one there was maybe just 8 people in the audience! The other one had a live band with them on stage - for the background music...

Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, Pust, Carneval...
Last Tuesday was the Pancake Day. They had a lot of games with pancakes, free pancakes... :). And because the weather was really nice (in most people's opinion ;)) we decided to make our lunch break a bit longer :). Unfortunatelly we missed all the games, but we did manage to get some free pancakes!

And I found this really cool-looking store:

In the evening I went to a travel agency, where they had a presentation about the Rio Carnival. They gave us Brazilian food and some coctails. Then they also taught us some of the samba steps that they dance in the carnival.

Za konec pa še malo idej za pust ;) Tukaj ga ne praznujejo, tako da (čeprav sem se hotela) se nisem nič našemila...

Libanonka + Ugly Betty/Geek :)


  1. O, pridna Eva, da si tako hitro poslala nov prispevek;)
    Oje, ne praznujejo pusta?? Jaz bi umrla, ko sem navajena 10-dnevnega pustnega rajanja na Ptuju!:) Čestitam za domiselne in expresne:) pustne like.

  2. Wiii...komentar!! :)
    Hvala, hvala..:D. Kaj si bla pa kej ti za pusta?

  3. Ker je na Ptuju pustno rajanje daljše, sem si morala omisliti več likov: piratka, kavbojka in pa sončnica na pustni torek, ki je bil hkrati tudi dan žena (rože, pa to;)). Drugače pa smo na Ptuju za pusta vsi "otroci";) :))

  4. Wow, to pa je velik likov :))). Ful dobr! :)

  5. haha...eva ne morm se odločt kaj ti bolj paše ;)

  6. hahahahaha Awesooooome.... <3 Just no comment!!!
