Monday 7 March 2011

African Prints, Westfield, Another Presentation

About 2 weeks ago Judit and I went to a presentation/workshop on West African print making. They make all these beautiful prints on the fabric from which they make their clothes (now mostly for funerals...). And we got to try it ourselves :)). We had a lot of stamps to choose from - they make stamps (the genuine ones) from some sort of a pumpkin.

Everything means something - for example:
turtle = adaptability
the bird that looks back but goes forward = remember your past; use the knowledge, experience from the past (? something like that)
the round sign = mightiness

Ta (=2 tedna nazaj) teden sem imela še eno predstavitev za našo NONMEM skupinico. Ker smo vsi mislili, da bom že končala (in predstavila končne rezultate)...ampak kar še vedno nisem. Vedno se pojavijo novi in novi zapleti... Prejšnji teden sem bila skoraj vsak dan več kot do 6ih na faksu! Upam, da ta teden res končam...da imam potem malo časa za zaključevanje in razmišljanje o pisanju naloge... No, predstavitev mi ni bila ravno zelo všeč (se mi je zdelo, da kar še VELIKO stvari ne vem..). Elham mi je pa takoj po koncu rekla: "Wow, really nice presentation!!" :) Mogoče je zaradi tistega efekta, ko več kot veš, več veš, da ne veš ;). (If that makes any sense, hehe). 

Prejšnji vikend smo šle Slovenke (Kaja, Roni, jaz) malo v Westfield. Westfield is a huge shopping centre with a retail floor area of 150,000m² (~ 30 football pitches). At the time of its opening (2008) it was said to be the 3rd largest in the UK. There are really a lot of stores... But I missed some benches or chairs or something to sit down. Because you can get tired of all that walking really soon :). But it is a nice centre. And the smoothies they sell are soooo yummy... :)).

Zapleti s sostanovalec
Ja, prejšnji sostanovalec je imel nekatere čudne navade. Npr. ko je dal kaj kuhati, je potem včasih kar šel ven (za kakšno uro in pol??). Tako se je enkrat kuhinja skoraj zažgala! Na srečo sem bila doma in vohala dim v svojo sobo...šla pogledat dol... Potem sem ga vprašala, če je pozabil, pa je rekel, ne, samo v trgovino sem še šel vmes. OK?? Ja, pa tudi ponoči je bil zelo glasen - butal je z vrati, tekel s čevli po stopnicah... Enkrat sem se mi zdi da kakšne 5-krat skoraj zaspala, ampak nisem.. Potem sem šla dol v dnevno sobo in mu rekla: "#$%#&@?!??! Stop with that or I will kill you!!" (Well...of course I didn't :) But I DID want to...). Niso mu podaljšali najemne pogodbe, tako da se je moral izseliti.
Prejšnji vikend pa je prišel novi sostanovalecc, Tom. Za enkrat je vredu. Upajmo.

This will be all for today :). I will try to post something sooner than in 3 weeks time ;). In the meantime, write some comments, emails...:).

Nighty nite

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